Let us always talk what builds

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV)

World Changer: For all of us who are born-again Christians first generation, we have a hard time stopping to talk like we did before Christ, because in reality we usually listened to emotional advice that had nothing to do with the Word of God. But the moment we surrender to Jesus, the Holy Spirit convicts us of all our sin so that we repent and allow God’s grace to begin to do its work in our thoughts, words and actions, and we abandon our old way to live.
To bless means to talk good and bring hope of a new life to the one who listens. Apostle Paul en his letter to the Ephesians instructs them talking and exhorting to leave their sins and start to behave according to God’s will, giving them the instruction that vain words sadden the Holy Spirit and that is why it is important to speak according to what the Bible teaches us.
*That from our conversation we may discard the lie and speak truth with our neighbor and give no place to the enemy of our souls, and in our words there is no longer bitterness, anger, yelling, slander and all malice. Rather let us ask God for His grace to allow us to be kind to one another, speaking with mercy and forgiving each other as God also forgave all of us who are now in a new life in Christ (Ephesians 4: 25-32).
Therefore, let us consecrate our heart, mind and mouth to our Lord Jesus Christ so that many people will be won to the Kingdom of God by His Word and our testimony.
Today is your day of salvation if you receive Jesus in your heart (Romans 10: 8-13).
May God’s love and grace always help us to make Christ our hope of glory and our victory to change the world (Colossians 1:27, 1 Corinthians 15:10, 57). Hallelujah.

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