The Bible is God’s Word

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

World Changer: Apostle Paul emphasizes to Timothy the grave danger that people would run in the last days, when they were focused on the Self: I think, I believe and I feel, because here we clearly understand that our Self does not give God a place in any of your decisions.
Whoever wants to be a true Christian will understand that the Bible is the only way to be wise for salvation that is through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Sacred Scriptures are our refuge and our hope from the day we give our life to Jesus, because we no longer walk in our human wisdom, but in the teaching that the Holy Spirit imparts to everyone who has been born again in Christ.
God will judge us according to our faith and what believed, that is why we must receive Jesus in our hearts because He will judge the living and the dead when He manifests here on earth and in His kingdom.
It is necessary that all of us preach God’s Word and let us always encourage people to be instructed in it and to reveal the hope that there is in Christ Jesus.
*In many countries they are being attacked all the Christians and however, they have not given up on persevering in their faith in Jesus, because they have remained steadfast looking to the heavens, trusting in all the promises that the Bible has spoken to them.
Today is the day that you ask Jesus to be hungry and thirsty for the Holy Scriptures and that nothing will make you postpone spending time with God every day, delighting in the Bible, because only there will you be able to find who Jesus is and receive Him in your heart as Lord and Savior (Romans 10: 8-13).
Christ in us our hope of glory and our victory that allows us to change the world (Colossians 1:27, 1 Corinthians 15:10, 57). Hallelujah.

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