Be attentive to God’s voice

Turn at my rebuke; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Proverbs 1:23 (NKJV)

World Changer: We need to love God’s Word to be able to examine it because that will produce a new life in us and will leave behind our rebelious attitude with which we came to Christ.
All Proverb 1, we must study it and today we will focus to what God says: because He cries out in the streets, at the gates of the city, so that the simple and mockers stop mocking, and that is why He invites you to listen attentively to His voice. But if God calls and no one listens and extends His hand and no one attends, He warns us that sadly there will be calamity and there will be nothing to stop it, because it will be like a whirlwind and then even if they look for Him, He will no longer answer and they will not find Him either, because it is the fruit of hating His wisdom and not wanting to listen to the advice of God, nor have reverent fear of Him.
We must not lend our ears and listen to advice that is against the Word of God, or even covet the prosperity of fools, because that will corrupt us.
But he who listens attentively to the voice of God, will dwell confidently and will live peacefully without fear of evil because he received the Word of God and put it inside his heart and decided to be attentive with his ear to the wisdom and prudence of the Most High (Proverbs 1:20-32).
*Under no reason we want to listen to what does not build because God wants a people that loves, honors and obeys Him and His grace will always be available for everyone who has faith in Jesus. He who surrenders to Christ will live like those who dream and will not fear any evil because God will fight his battles and deliver him from all his enemies.
Today is your day of salvation if you give yourself to Jesus so that He may be your hope of glory and your victory to change the world (Romans 10:8-13, Colossians 1:27, 1 Corinthians 15:10, 57). Hallelujah.

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