At OVM Radio, we believe that when you discover the Lord and let Him enter your life, everything will shine. When you know the Truth, there is no darkness. His light is the hope to get ahead, even in the most difficult moments of life. He will guide your hand and lead you down through the path of Truth, Hope and Love.
If you let the Lord enter your life, everything around you will be blessed. You will not have enemies, because they will be shocked by love and kindness. They will respect you and you will be able to teach them the way of God.
Whoever does not know this way, will live in darkness and pettiness. Let God guide your hand and spread his Glory throughout the world. May future generations know His Word and transmit it to those who will come.
Loving and following God is what marks our lives. Representing His Work and following His Word, is what motivates us. We know it is a difficult road, which some are tempted to leave at any time. However, once you know our Lord, your life will change in such a way that you will not need to find shelter in anything else.
As stated by the director of OVM Radio, Elaine Enríquez, “Trust in God is to live hopefully in FAITH, trusting in Jesus. The Word of God guides our decisions, gives us refreshment and creates an unbreakable FAITH. Our relationship with God is reflected in our commitment to prayer. ”
And the above is what is reflected in what we do in this station, in each program, in each song, you will find God and His truth.
“We serve a magnificent God who deserves everything. He reveals to us the ability to create, produce and share in the media His message of salvation and a change of life like no other” says Elaine.
This radio was created to serve God and to help everyone who needs to find the necessary values to live a better life.